
Symptoms are an important part of diagnosing hypothyroidism. One study has shown that patient medical history (signs and symptoms) was more reliable (76%) than either physical examination (12%) or lab tests (11%) in diagnosing hypothyroidism [Peterson1992], [Starr2005, pg 72].

There are many symptoms that are associated with hypothyroidism. However, note that association does not necessarily prove cause and effect! For example, does diabetes cause hypothyroidism, or does hypothyroidism cause diabetes, or are both disorders caused by some other unidentified factor?

Pay particular attention to symptoms that are marked pathognomonic - these are symptoms that indicate an almost certain diagnosis of hypothyroidism! (I.e., they are not associated with any other diagnosis), as well as hallmark and cardinal signs that are very strongly associated with hypothyroidism but are not pathognomonic.

The following symptoms are often associated with hypothyroidism [Barnes_Research_Foundation], [Barnes1999], [Braverman2000], [Brucker_Davis1995], [DeGroot1996], [Hertogue1914], [Hertoghe1915], [Kharrazian2010], [Lisser1957], [Peterson1992], [Ramsey1974], [Starr2005], [Zondek1944].

Frequencies listed below are estimates from particular populations and are included as a general indicator.

Metabolic and Endocrine Signs/Symptoms

Musculo-Skeletal Signs/Symptoms

Skin and Connective Tissue Signs/Symptoms

Urogenital and Sexual Signs/Symptoms

Cardiovascular and Blood Signs/Symptoms

Neurological and Psychological Signs/Symptoms

Gastrointestinal Tract Signs/Symptoms

Respiratory Signs/Symptoms

Developmental Signs/Symptoms

Immune System Signs/Signs/Symptoms

Paradoxical Signs and Signs/Symptoms

Possible paradoxical signs and symptoms exhibited by some patients with low body temperature who respond well to treatment of hypothyroid condition include:

Differential Diagnosis (DDX)
